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Link FAQs
Common questions Commonly asked questions

  • Calculators in exams?
  • What maths equations do I need to know for the exam?
  • What topics does the assessment quiz cover?
  • What is the pass mark for the biology 1A exam?
  • What percentage does my grade convert to?
  • Is there a mock exam available?
  • Do you need to resit an assessment if you don't pass or is it just if you don't pass the semester over all?
  • Where can I find past papers?
  • When is the deadline?
  • Who is my class rep for Biology 1A?
  • TURNITIN : How do I see it?
  • When will my results be available?
  • Are my grades or feedback available?
  • Biology 1A Exam - Hall Splits and Support
  • How can I find the course ID for PeerWise?
  • Where can I find the assessment information book?
  • When is my next assignment due?
  • How do I log into PeerWise?
  • Missed lab or lecture, what should i do?
  • How do I turn off email notifications
Biology 1A Exam FAQs on the Biology 1A exam...topics include

  • What is the pass mark for the Biology 1A exam?
  • Is there a Biology 1A mock exam available?
  • What percentage does my grade convert to?
  • What does my grade mean?
  • What should I expect in the exam hall
  • Where can I find the exam timetables?
  • What maths equations do I need to know for the exam?
  • Calculators in exams?
Peerwise FAQs on Peerwise...topics include

  • How do I login to PeerWise?
  • PeerWise personal ID
  • PeerWise good question
  • PeerWise deadlines how many
  • PeerWise miss deadline
  • PeerWise account
  • PeerWise rating score
  • PeerWise password
  • PeerWise create question
  • PeerWise activity
Cell Motility Introduction FAQs on Cell Motility Introduction, questions such as.....

  • Can Campbell be used as a source?
  • What title should I use for cell motility?
  • I have a high turnitin score, is this a problem?
  • My file wont submit.
Lectures Lecture questions

  • Where can I find the lecture notes for Biology 1A?
  • Can I attend lectures in the evening even when I registered for morning lectures?
  • How many lectures can I miss?
Group Projects Topics include

  • References
  • Staff marking sheets
  • Presentation
  • Notes.
Cell Motility R&C FAQs on Cell R&C...topics include

  • Introduction page
  • Analysis to carry out
  • Methodology
  • Sources
  • Decimal places
  • Toxins
  • Describe data
  • Figure legends
Other FAQs Contains FAQs on the following topics;

  • Assessments
  • Lab and Lecture absences
  • Class reps
  • Extensions
  • Moodle issues
  • Feedback
  • Assessment Quiz AQ1/AQ2
  • Darwins Dilema
Good Cause Illness or other difficulties affecting examinations? - some important information
Get Directions Step-by-step directions to lecture halls, library etc.
Get connected WIFI, Email, Office 365......
Getting around Getting around our Gilmorehill campus
Student Services List of support services, helpful resources and information
About this project How this project came about
Technology How we choose the technology used
Chat help How the chat-bot works