When you click help at the bottom right hand corner of the Moodle page this initiates a conversation with the Life Sciences Chat-Bot. We have configured the chat-bot to answer questions that we anticipate new entrant Life Science students will ask.

If the chat-bot cannot answer your question it hands the question off to one of our team to answer the question. If you do not get a reply within a minute or so it means none of the team are online. The question should be answered at some point so come back and check the chat widget and you should get an answer to your question.

Please be patient with the Chat-Bot, its a prototype and the team is made up of volunteers who may not be online. Any questions that cannot be answered by the Chat-Bot will be added to the chat-bot as we go along. The aim is after time the Chat-Bot will improve to a point that most if not all questions asked will be answered by the Chat-Bot and human intervention will be minimal

The Chat-Bot is powered by DialogFlow using dialogFlow intents which incorporates Google's machine learning expertise and products such as Google Cloud Speech-to-Text.

The chat widget is provided by Kommunicate which also handles the hand-off to the human agents to the agents using an Internet browser or mobile application.

Several of our dialogFlow intents can answer 100s of different questions by using dialogFlow entities, an example is the exam support intent.

The exam support intent can answer many different questions on exam support because all the questions have the same answer, in this case directing the student to the MyGlasgow student’s exam support page. The exam support intent has multiple training phrases that all use an Exam_support dialogFlow Entity to trigger the exam intent and respond with a link to MyGlasgow exam support page.

The following diagram shows the how the exam support intent is set-up in Dialogflow using dialogFlow entities

The training phrases for the exam support intent are linked to the exam support dialogFlow entity which means every phrase can be triggered by dozens of variations.

Suggestions are always welcome. Email